Auto mechanic schools in Maine are currently accepting people like you who would like to start a career as a certified auto mechanic.
The need for new auto technicians is at a historic high in Maine, so the moment has never been better to get started with your education in this thrilling, growing area!
Discover how you can become an auto mechanic in Maine!
Mechanic Schools in ME
The below table displays all auto tech programs in Maine that were accredited by the NATEF at the start of 2016. Accredited schools have satisfied the requirements for curriculum and facilities identified by the accrediting organization..
Name of School | Address | Phone | Credential Offered |
Central Maine Community College | 1250 Turner St. Auburn, ME 04210 | (207) 755-5321 | Auto Series Programs |
Eastern Maine Community College | 354 Hogan Rd. Bangor, ME 04401 | (207) 974-4805 | Auto Series Programs |
Northern Maine Community College | 33 Edgemont Dr. Presque Isle, ME 04769 | (207) 768-2763 | Auto, Collision & Truck Series Programs |
Southern Maine Community College | 2 Fort Rd. South Portland, ME 04106 | (207) 741-5856 | Auto Series Programs |
ASE Certification
Is Auto Technician Certification Required in Maine?
At this moment, auto tech certification is not compulsory in Maine.
Even though auto technician certification isn’t currently mandatory in all states, the ASE is heading a movement to make it essential for employment. With this being the case, it is strongly advised that any person thinking about becoming a surgical assistant should acquire certification with the ASE.
Jobs & Salary
The tables just below reflect the forecasted employment and pay data for Maine per the latest report from BLS.gov.
Auto Mechanic Employment | 2012 | 2022 | ME Pct. Change | U.S. Pct. Change |
Maine | 3,950 | 3,890 | -2% | 9% |
2014 Auto Mechanic Annual Salary | Low | Median | High |
Maine | $21,300 | $35,740 | $52,420 |
Recommended Programs!
The following auto mechanic programs close to you are right now accepting applications from new students.