There are a number of accredited auto mechanic schools in Nebraska accessible to people considering opportunities in this exciting skilled field.
Because of the state’s expanding need for auto body and repair professionals, demand for new certified technicians is expected to reach record levels during the years to come.
Learn how you can become an auto tech in Nebraska!
Mechanic Schools in NE
This table reflects all auto technician schools in Nebraska that were accredited by the NATEF at the outset of 2016. Every program has met the suggested criteria for quality in curriculum and facilities.
Name of School | Address | Phone | Credential Offered |
Central Community College | 550 S Technical Blvd. Hastings, NE 68930 | (402) 461-2490 | Auto Series Programs |
Metropolitan Community College | 3000 Fort St. Omaha, NE 68111 | (402) 738-4521 | Auto Series Programs |
Northeast Community College | 801 E. Benjamin Ave. Norfolk, NE 68701 | (402) 844-7214 | Auto Series Programs |
Southeast Community College - Lincoln Campus | 8800 'O' St. Lincoln, NE 68520 | (402) 437-2640 | Auto Series Programs |
Southeast Community College - Milford Campus | 600 State St. Milford, NE 68405 | (402) 761-8241 | Auto, Collision & Truck Series Programs |
ASE Certification
Is Auto Technician Certification Necessary in Nebraska?
Currently, auto technician certification isn’t mandatory in Nebraska.
Even though auto tech certification is not at present compulsory in most states, the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence is heading a movement to make it required for work. With this in the works, it is highly recommended that any individual considering becoming a surgical assisting professional should pursue certification from the ASE.
Jobs & Salary
The tables directly below reflect the projected employment and pay numbers for Nebraska per the latest report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Auto Mechanic Employment | 2012 | 2022 | NE Pct. Change | U.S. Pct. Change |
Nebraska | 5,030 | 5,190 | 3% | 9% |
2014 Auto Mechanic Annual Salary | Low | Median | High |
Nebraska | $20,200 | $34,590 | $61,050 |
Recommended Programs!
These auto mechanic programs close to you are currently taking applications from brand new students.