Are you trying to find auto mechanic schools in North Dakota?
Should the thought of working in a challenging, automotive-focused environment suits you, then a career in auto technology could be just the thing you’re looking for!
Find out how you can become an auto mechanic in North Dakota!
Mechanic Schools in ND
At the start of the 2016 school year, each of the auto technician schools listed below was accredited by the NATEF. Accredited schools have satisfied the requirements for curriculum and facilities specified by the accrediting organization..
Name of School | Address | Phone | Credential Offered |
Bismarck State College | 1200 W. College Dr. Bismarck, ND 58501 | (701) 224-5407 | Auto & Collision Series Programs |
Lake Region State College | 1801 College Dr., N. Devils Lake, ND 58301 | (701) 662-1558 | Auto Series Programs |
Missouri River Correctional Center | 3100 Railroad Ave. Bismarck, ND 58506 | (701) 224-5657 | Auto Series Programs |
North Dakota State College of Science | 800 N. 6th St. Wahpeton, ND 58076 | (701) 671-2442 | Auto Series Programs |
United Tribes Technical College | 3315 University Dr. Bismarck, ND 58503 | (701) 255-3285 | Auto Series Programs |
ASE Certification
Is Auto Technician Certification Necessary in North Dakota?
At this time, auto tech certification is not compulsory in North Dakota.
Even though auto technician certification is not currently mandatory in most states, the ASE is leading a movement to make it necessary for work. Due to this happening, it is strongly advised that any individual interested in becoming a surgical assisting professional should pursue certification with the ASE.
Jobs & Salary
The tables just below reflect the estimated jobs and pay statistics for North Dakota per the most recent report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Auto Mechanic Employment | 2012 | 2022 | ND Pct. Change | U.S. Pct. Change |
North Dakota | 2,840 | 3,060 | 8% | 9% |
2014 Auto Mechanic Annual Salary | Low | Median | High |
North Dakota | $25,690 | $37,810 | $59,440 |
Recommended Programs!
The following auto mechanic programs in your area are currently accepting applications from brand new students.